Tag : Social Networking

How To Make Your Brand Stand Out

How To Make Your Brand Stand Out

Successful brand marketing is all about driving engagement with your audience. As an ambassador you need to give them a good reason why they should take time out of their busy days to connect with your brand again and again. Consumers today are constantly bombarded with an endless stream of messages on a daily basis than ever before. More important than that, they have greater control over what they wish to read, see or hear. They can move from one source of content to another at the tap of a button, faster than it takes the time for you to deliver it.

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Making Websites Super!

Making Websites Super!

A question I get asked quite a lot by visitors and customers is “What could you do with my website? Could it be improved in any way?” Well some of them have the potential to be great sites but lack the basic disciplines to really succeed online.

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Return to Social Networking

Return to Social Networking

As well as created a blog on my site, I’ve also returned back to social media in the last few months…most noticeably Twitter.

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